Online Content Chapters...
How this all works...
Master Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness Matrix
Share the Value!
World Class Mindset - Part 1 - The Deep Dive (15 mins)
World Class Mindset - Part 2 - "Processes & Outcomes" (5 mins)
Join the Tribe
World Class Mindset - Part 3 - "Should-Need-Want" (5 mins)
World Class Mindset - Part 4 - "How to Control Confidence" (5 mins)
How will you apply all of this?
Month One - World Class Mindset - What have you learned
BONUS EPISODE - "Motivation is P.E.A.R. Shaped"
BONUS EPISODE - "Purpose, Meaning & Passion - The PuMP method"
Month One - BONUS EPISODES - What have you learned?
Character - Part 1 - The Deep Dive (15 mins)
Character - Part 2 - The Discomfort Zone (5 mins)
Character - Part 3 - Resilience (5 mins)
Character - Part 4 - Composure (5 mins)
How will you apply all of this?
If you've enjoyed the first couple of months, you'll love this!!
Month Two - Character - What have you learned
Mental Toughness - Part 1 - The Deep Dive (15 mins)
Mental Toughness - Part 2 - How to get through the barriers (5 mins)
Mental Toughness - Part 3 - The value of a team (5 mins)
Mental Toughness - Part 4 - One step at a time (5 mins)
How will you apply all of this?
Month Three - Mental Toughness - What have you learned
Even more value!

About this course
- £149.00
- 86 lessons
- 8.5 hours of video content
Take it from these guys...